
Original artwork by Jehangir Hossain

$ USD 820.00

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by Jahangir Hossain SKU: ART110 Categories: , , , , Tag:
Dimensions: 20 × 20 in
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Style : Semi Abstract

Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 20 in

Acrylic on Canvas




Gold, Green, Yellow

Artwork Price





Semi Abstract

Jahangir Hossain

Jahangir Hossain’s interests lie in the relationships we have with one another and the environment in which we live. Through his art he aims to stimulate refl ection on the human condition and the way in which we respond to the world around us. The pervasive infl uence of technology continues to divert attention away from personal relationships, conducted face to face in real time. This is a troubling concern for Hossain, who believes strong romantic and familial connections are central to achieving happiness. His work explores this theme using the mother and child motif, as well as couples in loving embrace. The intermingling of forms, whereby one fi gure almost dissolves into the fl esh of the other, expresses how dependent we are on one another for love, nourishment and comfort. This message is powerfully reinforced through his solo fi gures, which tend to emit an air of despondent melancholy. As Hossain’s primary aim is to translate emotion, the fi gures are stylistic rather than realistic. Remaining featureless allows them to transcend individual differences and communicate a universal story: we need love in order to survive. Another important thread of Hossain’s work concentrates on the relationship between man and nature. He believes that it is vital for this relationship to be harmonious and balanced if it is to improve our sense of happiness and wellbeing. He is particularly inspired by nature’s ability to act as a positive, grounding force and this is visually expressed in the form of abstract fi gures carefuly interwoven into the fabric of the landscapes that surround them. The pieces resonate, both in form and ideal, with the work of Henry Moore; whose monumental female fi gures were designed to refl ect the landscape while also becoming part of it. Hossain essentially seeks to question where the true path to happiness lies. He encourages us to celebrate values which are of global as well as individual benefi t, with the importance of love and the need to respect ourselves, each other and the environment providing the thematic undercurrents of his latest series of work.


  • 2004 Master of Fine Arts from. University of Development Alternative, Dhaka.
  • 1989 Graduate from institute of Fine Arts (B.F.A), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 1984 Pr-Degree. B.F.A Institute of fine Arts, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • 2011,10th solo Exhibition at Meller merceuxe art gallery in Oxford,uk
  • 2006,9th solo painting at Heys Gallery. London
  • 2005, 8th Solo Show At Native Art Gallery. PK
  • 2002,solo show at Karachi
  • 2003,7th Solo Painting at Russian Cultural Centre, Dhaka
  • 2002,6th Solo Show at The Art Gallery, Karachi , Pakistan.
  • 2000,Solo Painting Exhibition at Allians Frances De Dhaka.
  • 1997,Solo Painting Exhibition at Hoque Arts and Craft, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 1994,Water Colour show, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 1992,Solo Painting Exhibition at Dhaka.
  • 1991,Solo Exhibition at American Club, Dhaka.
  • 1990,Solo Paining Exhibition at Technical College Barisal, Bangladesh.
  • 1978,Water Colour Show, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • 2012 :Visions,Art Zest,Dubai.
  • 2009 :Two Man show at The ART Gallery PK
  • 2005 :participate a group show at Asia House London
  • 2004 :9 Bengle Painters Exhibition at Hamail Art Gallery, Lahoore.PK
  • 2003 :5 artist show at karachi.PK
  • 2001 :Two man show, at Derby Art Gallery,Dubai, U.A.E.
  • 2000 :Group Show of Traditional Painting at Karachi, PK.
  • 1999 :Two man show. Painting Exhibition in Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • 1999 :9th Asian Arts Bienale Bangladesh
  • 1999 :Group Show in Karachi The Art Gallery Pakistan.
  • 1999 :50th University show. Institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka, D. U. A Grand Group Art Exhibition of Reputed Bangladesh and Foreign Artist’s at Saju art Gallery , Dhaka.
  • 1996 :Group Painting Exhibition in Pakistan, P.N.C. Islamabad.
  • 1996 :11th National Young Arts. Exhibition, Bangladesh, Shilpakala Academy.(National Art Gallery), Dhaka.
  • 1996 :12th National Young Arts Exhibition .Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. (National Art Gallery ) Dhaka.
  • 1996 :A Grand Group Art Exhibition of Reputed Bangladesh & Foreign Artst’s at Saju Art Gallery, Dhaka.
  • 1995 :7th Asian Art Biennale, Bangladesh.
  • 1996 :united Nation’s 50th Anniversary young artist’s Art Competition and Exhibition  Organized by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
  • 1995 :Group Exhibition for Rabindra Jaionti, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
  • 1995 :Contemporary young Artist’s Art Exhibition, Gallery Shilpangon, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
  • 1994 :Group Exhibition, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (National Art Gallery), Dhaka.
  • 1994 :Contemporary Young Artist’s Art Exhibition Gallery Shilkpangon, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
  • 1994 :Group exhibition of gallery tone, Dhaka.
  • 1994 :Water Color Exhibition of Sonargaon pan pacific hotel, Dhaka.
  • 1994 :Group Exhibition of Chitra Kutirk, Gulshan, Dhaka.
  • 1994 :A Grand Group Exhibition of Reputed Bangladesh & Foreign Artist’s of Saju Art Gallery, Dhaka.
  • 1993 :A Grand Group exhibition Reputed Bangladesh & Foreign Artist’s of Saju Art Gallery.Dhaka.
  • 1993 :First National Miniature Art Exhibition of Sonargaon pan pacific hotel, Dhaka.
  • 1993 :Group Exhibition of Gallery Tone, Dhaka.
  • 1993 :Water color Exhibition of hotel Sheraton, Dhaka.
  • 1993 :An Exhibition of Graphics by 37 Asian Artist, Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi, India.
  • 1991 :Contemporary Art Exhibition Art exhibition of Zainul Art Gallery, Institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka University.
  • 1986-96 :All Annual Art Exhibition of Zainul on 21st February and 16th December held in every year at Zainul Art Gallery, institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka University.
  • 1988 :Art Exhibition for flood victims at Sonargaon pan pacific hotel, Dhaka.


  • Contemporary Art and Cultural Center, Osaka, Japan, The National Museum, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Ministry of foreign affairs Dhaka,Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Indonesia, U. S. A. France, PNC, (Pakistan) Harare Zimbabwe. Idia, England

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