Banaras Ghat-8
The recent innovative endeavours of Reba Mandal – a talented contemporary artist depict her …
Banaras Ghat-9
The recent innovative endeavours of Reba Mandal – a talented contemporary artist depict her …
Beauty with lotus
Original work by Varsha Kharatmal
Blending Krishna
This artwork speaks true devotion and strongly reflected by religious virtuosity
This artwork “Blending Krishna” is an outstanding work by artist Bipin Martha. He is an extremely talented artist with lot of potential. The painting is truly magical and imbues high aesthetic appeal that overflows with magnetism and offers alternate reality to the onlookers. The artist devotion towards his beliefs inspires him to paint vivid imagination on the canvas. The purpose of his works is to serve its audience with hope, strength and positivity that when people look at it they would feel like it was a fortunate stroke of serendipity.
This artwork depicts a woman face that embody peace, love and understanding
This painting “Blossom” is an outstanding work by artist Pradeesh Raman. The face of a woman, intricate patterns, flowers and light and shade are all brought together in Pradeesh works. The women are portrayed in black and white, melded with hues from the background. The colors are soft, but still seem to glow from the canvas, the masterful shading providing a contrast between the subject and the backdrop. Patterns are prevalent everywhere, seen in the locks of hair, the petals of the blooms and even carefully etched onto the subject herself.
Bond of Love series
This artwork depicts relationship in different moods and emotions.
This artwork “Bond of Love” is an outstanding work by artist Jagannath Paul. The varied nuances of male and female relationship are manifested into this paintings through the medium of charcoals and colors paper and canvas. His works bring out the drama of black and white by introducing solid blocks of paint, which are restricted to reds, yellows and orange. The artist work articulates the belief that certain creative principles exist eternally. This painting recreate the eternal paradigms in constantly changing variations and degrees. Art, for Paul, involves a rediscovery and a revelation of the eternal paradigms, which exist in that dimension of infinitely expanded space and time.a
Bond of Love series
This artwork depicts relationship in different moods and emotions.
This artwork “Bond of Love” is an outstanding work by artist Jagannath Paul. The varied nuances of male and female relationship are manifested into this paintings through the medium of charcoals and colors paper and canvas. His works bring out the drama of black and white by introducing solid blocks of paint, which are restricted to reds, yellows and orange. The artist work articulates the belief that certain creative principles exist eternally. This painting recreate the eternal paradigms in constantly changing variations and degrees. Art, for Paul, involves a rediscovery and a revelation of the eternal paradigms, which exist in that dimension of infinitely expanded space and time.a
Bond Of Love Series
This artwork “Bond of Love” is an outstanding work by artist Jagannath Paul. The varied nuances of male and female relationship are manifested into this paintings through the medium of charcoals and colors paper and canvas. His works bring out the drama of black and white by introducing solid blocks of paint, which are restricted to reds, yellows and orange. The artist work articulates the belief that certain creative principles exist eternally. This painting recreate the eternal paradigms in constantly changing variations and degrees. Art, for Paul, involves a rediscovery and a revelation of the eternal paradigms, which exist in that dimension of infinitely expanded space and time.
Bond Of Love Series
This artwork “Bond of Love” is an outstanding work by artist Jagannath Paul. The varied nuances of male and female relationship are manifested into this paintings through the medium of charcoals and colors paper and canvas. His works bring out the drama of black and white by introducing solid blocks of paint, which are restricted to reds, yellows and orange. The artist work articulates the belief that certain creative principles exist eternally. This painting recreate the eternal paradigms in constantly changing variations and degrees. Art, for Paul, involves a rediscovery and a revelation of the eternal paradigms, which exist in that dimension of infinitely expanded space and time.