Forest i
This artwork captures the beauty of nature with vibrant color strokes
This painting “The Tree” is an outstanding work by artist Shuvankar Maitra. Shuvankar works speaks of minuscule details against deeper backgrounds. This nature works stand out vividly against their dark backgrounds,making it seem as if the picture is illuminated from within. Every perfect detail is clearly visible and delicately shaded resulting in an attractive panorama extremely soothing to the eyes. Trees during spring, winters and in full bloom are one of the most captivating sights one can experience even while living in cities. Trees form the major source of the artist inspiration combined with the various seasons. All trees are symbols of stability that hold on to their roots with all their strength regardless of what change the climatic conditions inflict upon them. The roots of trees spread below the ground and hold the roots of other trees as well, thereby forming a strong interlocking chain that is used for communication and exchange of vital nutrients. There is more to trees than pretty flowers, delicious fruits and relaxing shade.
Forest ii
This artwork captures the beauty of nature with vibrant color strokes
This painting “The Tree” is an outstanding work by artist Shuvankar Maitra. Shuvankar works speaks of minuscule details against deeper backgrounds. This nature works stand out vividly against their dark backgrounds,making it seem as if the picture is illuminated from within. Every perfect detail is clearly visible and delicately shaded resulting in an attractive panorama extremely soothing to the eyes. Trees during spring, winters and in full bloom are one of the most captivating sights one can experience even while living in cities. Trees form the major source of the artist inspiration combined with the various seasons. All trees are symbols of stability that hold on to their roots with all their strength regardless of what change the climatic conditions inflict upon them. The roots of trees spread below the ground and hold the roots of other trees as well, thereby forming a strong interlocking chain that is used for communication and exchange of vital nutrients. There is more to trees than pretty flowers, delicious fruits and relaxing shade.
Forest iii
This artwork captures the beauty of nature with vibrant color strokes
This painting “The Tree” is an outstanding work by artist Shuvankar Maitra. Shuvankar works speaks of minuscule details against deeper backgrounds. This nature works stand out vividly against their dark backgrounds,making it seem as if the picture is illuminated from within. Every perfect detail is clearly visible and delicately shaded resulting in an attractive panorama extremely soothing to the eyes. Trees during spring, winters and in full bloom are one of the most captivating sights one can experience even while living in cities. Trees form the major source of the artist inspiration combined with the various seasons. All trees are symbols of stability that hold on to their roots with all their strength regardless of what change the climatic conditions inflict upon them. The roots of trees spread below the ground and hold the roots of other trees as well, thereby forming a strong interlocking chain that is used for communication and exchange of vital nutrients. There is more to trees than pretty flowers, delicious fruits and relaxing shade.
The Tree ii
This artwork captures the beauty of nature with vibrant color strokes
This painting “The Tree” is an outstanding work by artist Shuvankar Maitra. Shuvankar works speaks of minuscule details against deeper backgrounds. This nature works stand out vividly against their dark backgrounds,making it seem as if the picture is illuminated from within. Every perfect detail is clearly visible and delicately shaded resulting in an attractive panorama extremely soothing to the eyes. Trees during spring, winters and in full bloom are one of the most captivating sights one can experience even while living in cities. Trees form the major source of the artist inspiration combined with the various seasons. All trees are symbols of stability that hold on to their roots with all their strength regardless of what change the climatic conditions inflict upon them. The roots of trees spread below the ground and hold the roots of other trees as well, thereby forming a strong interlocking chain that is used for communication and exchange of vital nutrients. There is more to trees than pretty flowers, delicious fruits and relaxing shade.