Sindu Jumani
Sindhu Jumani has etched an indelible impression on art lovers worldwide and firmly entrenched herself
as an upcoming artist.
As an artist with the freedom to express in ways few can, Sindhu can also be vibrantly effusive when
describing her passion: “I am inspired by women. I translate their strength and bold presence through the
depth of and extensiveness of my palette and canvas. My series represents a woman swathed in the multi-
faceted layers of existence. The colors used are a coded language belying her strength and creativity”.
This myriad of experiences on Sindhu’s canvas embodies and celebrates the fluidity of life, its
complexities and simplicities, dichotomies and nuances. The very undulating nature of her art is
remarkably encapsulated by color, which in her eyes, is the soul of life, “When color is vivid and present
and pronounced and unmistakable, it’s the language of thoughts...”
If ever a dream-like surrealism could be captured on canvas, it would be on Sindhu’s. Her vision and her
inspiration has an unmistakably ethereal quality to it, so that when you stand before one of her generous
canvases, you are taken beyond the realm of simply viewing the art, because Sindhus’ art takes you to a
place of feeling. Feelings peppered with notes of sensuality, allure and complete captivation.
Sindhu Jumani established her artistic base through her education at the prestigious Rhode Island
School of Design (RISD) located in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. While attaining her BA in Graphic
design, she was on the school’s honour list every year that she was there (1994-1997).
Floral Fantasy
This artwork represents a woman swathed in the multi- faceted layers of existence.
This painting “Floral Fantasy” is an outstanding work by artist Sindu Jumani. Sindhu has etched an indelible impression on art lovers worldwide. She is inspired by women and translates their strength and bold presence through the depth of and extensiveness of her palette and canvas. The colors used are a coded language belying her strength and creativity. This myriad of experiences on Sindhu’s canvas embodies and celebrates the fluidity of life, its complexities and simplicities, dichotomies and nuances. The very undulating nature of this art is remarkably encapsulated by color, which in woman eyes, is the soul of life, when color is vivid and present and pronounced and unmistakable, it’s the language of thoughts. When you stand before one of her generous canvases, you are taken beyond the realm of simply viewing the art, because Sindhus’ art takes you to a place of feeling. Feelings peppered with notes of sensuality, allure and complete captivation
Fulfilled Fantasy
Original work by Sindu Jumani