Old man Portrait 1
Original work by Sanjay Soni
Old man Portrait 2
Original work by Sanjay Soni
Old man Portrait 3
Original work by Sanjay Soni
Old man Rajput
Original work by Sanjay Soni
Radha series 12
This Radha beauty veers towards melancholic grace and elegance
This painting “Radha” is an outstanding work by well-known master artist Suhas Roy. His work is usually inspired by life around him, but his themes are as much influenced by the everyday world as they are rooted in fantasy. Suhas preoccupation is primarily with the female face and form. This painting is romanticized, inhabiting the dreamlike world between sensuality and innocence. The graceful portrayal of the subject has much to do with his choice of materials – his crayons, charcoal and brush have sensitivity and refinement. The vast and complex texture of life is seen as mystical and dark in the artist work.
Rajasthani Portrait 1
Original work by Sanjay Soni
Original work by Sanjay Soni